Ram Charan recently made headlines by registering his Rolls Royce Spectre, worth Rs 7.5 crore. This all-electric luxury car features a massive 102 kWh battery, offering a range of 530 km on a WLTP cycle.
Kartik Aaryan celebrated his success in "Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2" by receiving India's first McLaren GT, worth Rs 4.7 crore,
Shah Rukh Khan owns a Bugatti Veyron, valued at Rs 12 crore. This stunning car features an 8,993 cc engine that delivers a powerful 1,001 bhp and 1,250 Nm of torque.
Prabhas owns a Rolls Royce Phantom, priced at Rs 9.5 crore. This luxury car is equipped with a 6,749 cc engine, producing 563 bhp and 900 Nm of torque.
Shraddha Kapoor drives a Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica, valued at Rs 4.04 crore. This stunning car features a 5.2-litre V10 engine that produces 640 bhp and 565 Nm of torque, paired with a seven-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission.
Superstar Rajnikant exudes style and opulence with his prized possession – the Bentley Limousine.
Bollywood’s legendary actor, Amitabh Bachchan who has ruled the Indian Cinema